Yesterday's BarCamp Scotland at Edinburgh University School of Informatics.
It rocked.
Though the attendees where mainly technology guys, I found the presentations, products and thinking were in the main, pretty brilliant.
I was disappointed that there weren't more people there from the advertising, design and marketing communities. (From agencies, web developers or client side marketing departments.)
Either they were unaware that it was on, which perhaps reflects on how close they really are to what's happening online. Or they had better things to do.
Whatever reason, I think they missed out. They could have learned a lot and seen what's available/going on in their own backyard.
The passion, enthusiasm and solutions presented were as infectious as they were insightful.
Good to see Russ and Alex from Whitespace there. (The Flock presentation even used Alex's GoogleSightSeeing to illustrate part of their talk.)
As you'd expect everyone was blogging the event, and there's a sizable pool up on flickr.
And I was delighted and surprised to see the ratio of Mac's to PC's slurping up the free WiFi, was about 10:1
My favourite presentations where from GroopIt, Revish and Flock.
But I missed stacks, there was so much stuff going on. (Though I wasn't too fussed about missing the SecondLife presentations)
Hope there are more of these things in our neck of the woods, and if one pops up in yours, do yourself a favour and get yourself there.
Thanks to Alice too for hastily rearranging her weekend, and coming along to fly the DigitalAgency flag.
Adding a bit of much needed academic rigour to my crude, working class, mercenary marketing agenda ;-)
(Below: DigitalAgency's very own Dr Alice Bartholomew chats with Jon-Paul of
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