Last Friday saw the 2nd Anniversary, and so, not co-incidentally the 2nd birthday party of the Edinburgh Coffee Morn.
We celebrated this auspicious event, with a Quiz at Centotre for the great and the good of the city's Social Media Community.
And what a turn out it was, a veritable who's who of bloggers, blaggers, and twittering classes. Web developers, digital agencies, search, mobile, start ups, entrepreneurs, film-makers, writers, community managers, commissioning editors, educationalists, slackers, hangers-on and reprobates were all not only wholesomely represented, but wholeheartedly welcome.
With, in all, well over 30 hardy souls turning up for the bright-lights and cameras at our usual Scottish Presbyterian 0800 start. (Flickr set here.)
7 teams did battle, and wrestled with over 40 fiendishly difficult social media questions.
A damn close run thing, the eventual winners were Nev, Fraser, Jim and Jamie. (A boy-band in the making if ever I saw one.)
Prizes for the winners, appropriately enough, were scented candles, fragrant bath salts plus other sensual goodies from Juliet's Little Dishy collection.
The winners also recieved signed copies of Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom and The Stories or FaceBook, YouTube and MySpace. (Signed by me, not the author, I hasten to add ;-)
Footnote, Jamie was last seen legging it down the road at 09:45 am, with a magnum of Prosecco under his arm. Destination and motive unknown.
Big thank you again Mike
I can confirm the big bottle of Prosecco is still un-opened, maybe save it for Beer 2.02 or Twitterfest thing ?
Posted by: Jamie Clague | Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 09:00 AM
Thanks Mike for a highly entertaining morning - though the winning team obviously spend far too much time messing about on the web, when they should be working.
And of course huge thanks to Juliet for those sensually intoxicating prizes. Couldn't resist telling my wife I'd gone out and bought the smelly stuff for her, but I came clean in the end (no bath salts pun intended).
Already looking fwd to next year's :)
Posted by: Jim Wolff | Monday, January 19, 2009 at 12:20 PM